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  1. R


    I don't do facebook so how do I start and chat with you guys?
  2. R


    will get a melted green crayon out of gray upholstery? Grandkids! Gotta lovem! I'm tired.
  3. R

    Where's the special

    for those of us who have a mattress that smells like ProPolish?
  4. R

    Just curious.

    Why isn't the chatroom used more and by more members? It's a great place to exchange ideas,processes or just socialize. The chatroom usually is occupied at around 8 o'clock EST any day of the week but unofficially it's Wednesday night. So I cordially invite any and all memebers to stop in. I...
  5. R


    Eli eli eli eli eli eli eli eli eli eli eli eli eli eli eli eli eli eli eli eli eli eli!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah baby! Ilove it! Tommy boy needs to stay away from little manning! Lololololololololol! Can you tell i wanted the giants to win?
  6. R

    Did Pockets

    behave himself at the fest?
  7. R

    my recovery is going in the right direction so ....

    i'm hoping to wash my car in the next couple weeks with superslick and wax.extreme optimism is also a natty's cars need a detail bad but i'm not sure i will even be able to wash my car let alone an entire poorboy makeover.
  8. R

    I am here! I am here.

    This new site is DA BOMB BAAABY!
  9. R

    QD+ing my cars!

    Is the way to go! About the last month and a half Every time I waxed(which has been several) I used QD+ to help remove the wax. Not that it's diificult to get off but the QD+ adds a depth and slickness to it. :smt015
  10. R

    Side by with Natty's Red vs.Natty's White

    Did a side by comparison using the Red and White on a silver metallic. The White had more clarity and BLING while the Red had more depth and wetness.Although the Red didn't darken the silver as much as the Blue did or does it still isn't as clear as the White. The bugs liked the Red better...
  11. R

    Used White Diamond today and

    topped with Natty's Red. Used a yellow foam applicator to apply and terry cloth towels to remove. Put it on too thck at first and had to work at removing it once it hazed. After a few attempts I was successful in putting down a thin coat. After buffing it to a fabulous shine the flake was...
  12. R

    Natty's Red!

    My jar arrived Saturday and that's the day I used it.My oldest daughter went to Florida and left her car at my house. After using SuperSlick with a foamgun I dried the car. As I was putting my stuff away the FedEX man arrived with the wax.By this time I was hot and took a break. When the sun...
  13. R

    The weather has broken

    so before I do a complete detail I'm just going to do a poorboy's wash and wax this weekend. My car will get the blue and the women's the white.Looking forward to getting the cars clean and shining again. They certainly need it.
  14. R

    Any thought to a glass cleaner.

    I am really interested in a glass cleaner that makes my windows sparkle like Natty's makes my paint shine.
  15. R

    Soon(I hope) I'll be using my pc

    Do I work the prods. in on #3 setting then crank it up to 6 on all of them? I'm just an old man trying to learn how to use a new toy.All adivice will be greatly appreciated.