Any chance that Poorboy's will ever release a rinseless wash? Yes, S&W and S&G are great, but I'm so stuck on rinseless type washing, it would be cool to have a Poorboy's version.
Also, how about a Clay Lube concentrate? I absolutely love Poorboy's wonderful smelling Clay Lube, but the cost is a bit high when compared to using a concentrate from another company. I have actually considered getting the 5 gallon Clay Lube on a sale, but i don't have room for it
I'm still clearing things out of the garage.
Ohhhhh it smells sooooo good. And it's slick. Makes claying process more enjoyable
Also, how about a Clay Lube concentrate? I absolutely love Poorboy's wonderful smelling Clay Lube, but the cost is a bit high when compared to using a concentrate from another company. I have actually considered getting the 5 gallon Clay Lube on a sale, but i don't have room for it
Ohhhhh it smells sooooo good. And it's slick. Makes claying process more enjoyable