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  1. M

    How to polish diamond plate decking on a trailer?

    A friend wants to know if I can shine up the aluminum diamond plate deck on his trailer. I figure it would chew up the foam pads on my PC, so I'm wondering what would be the best way to do it. It's a pretty long trailer, & I'm not about to do it by hand. Any suggestions?
  2. M

    Torch Red 05 Mustang

    My buddy just bought this, & we gave it a fairly quick detail the other night. Clay, SSR1, Black Hole, & a coat of EX-P. He ordered some Natty's Red & a bottle of QD+, so it'll just get better. He was amazed at how it came out. He'd never heard of Poorboy's products before.
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    A couple of pics from the car show at Hooters yesterday

    My '09 GT & my buddy's '10 GT500. I hate it when I'm trying to take a picture & people get in the way!
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    A rare (for me) non-Mustang detail

    Did this 2011 Camaro today. Paint was easy. Clay, SSR1, & EX. I skipped Black Hole because I was limited on time due to the interior. Owner has 2 dogs that ride in the car, one of which must not have any hair left on it. Thought I'd never get it all vacuumed out!
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    Black Hole over Natty's?

    My Mustang got it's annual full detail (clay, SSR1, Black Hole, EX-P, 5 coats of Natty's Blue) back in March. I've given it "refresher" coats of Blue every few weeks throughout the summer. I remember Steve telling me a ways back to throw a coat of Black Hole on top to give it that extra pop...
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    Good result with SSR1

    My son-in-law's 98 F150 with 115k miles. The door was after washing & claying, & the fender was after SSR1. The truck hadn't been detailed in over a year, & had this haze all over it. I used Pro Polish on it last year, & wasn't nearly as happy with the results. SSR1 did a much better job, & it's...
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    Detailing paying off

    I saved up the necessary $$ from my detailing, & I'm driving up to Brenspeed in northeast Indiana tomorrow morning. Having a set of their Detroit Rocker cams installed. Expecting approximately a 30 hp gain from them, so the 2 1/2 hr trip back home should be a lot of fun!
  8. M

    '06 Torch Red Mustang

    Swirl city when I started, so went over it thoroughly with SSR 2.5. Polished with Pro Polish, then gave it a coat of Black Hole, & sealed with EX. Took these pics Saturday during a brief break in the 40 days & 40 nights of constant rain we're going through here in Indiana, & before it got 3...