So, I found someone selling a jar of wheel sealant locally for 10$. This product is my first from Poorboy's!
I was expecting a bit more shine( Now maybe I should try klasses high-glosse sealant) from the product but it does make cleaning wheel easier! I can't not say that the dust is sliding off the wheel But you can buff it with a microfiber and everything is gone!
So. I would give it a 8.5/10 ( because I was expecting more gloss)
+1 for the great smell haha!!
This is after 2 coat and 75 km later.
I was expecting a bit more shine( Now maybe I should try klasses high-glosse sealant) from the product but it does make cleaning wheel easier! I can't not say that the dust is sliding off the wheel But you can buff it with a microfiber and everything is gone!
So. I would give it a 8.5/10 ( because I was expecting more gloss)
+1 for the great smell haha!!
This is after 2 coat and 75 km later.