Hoping to do little write ups on Poorboys World products as time allows
Today I thought we could start with the ever popular SSR range.
SSR stands for 'scratch & swirl remover' & they do a very good job doing exactly that
They come in different abrasive grades which is indicated by the number. 1 being the least aggressive & 3 being the most. Ssr 1 - 2.5 are what's referred to as diminishing abrasives. This means over the time spent working the product, the abrasive element gradually gets smaller & smaller as it's being worked. The purpose of a diminishing abrasive is to finish down to as fine a finish as possible, which potentially could leave you with a surface ready to accept a little refining with a less harsh compound, or straight to wax/sealant.
SSR3 however is a mechanical abrasive....which I'll come to shortly
SSR 1 - 2.5 can be used either by hand or machine & is capable of remaining workable in direct sun. When looking to remove defects or just brighten up your finish, always choose the least aggressive product to start with. This also applies to your method of application. Ssr1 is a fine finish abrasive, so use a fine polishing pad/applicator. Ssr2.5 is a medium cut, so adjust your applicator accordingly.
If your using a microfibre/generic sponge applicator then the strength of your arm dictates the results your going to get
The compounds can be worked until they have gone 'opaque' in appearance which indicates the abrasives have broken down completely on the panel. Then you simply wipe off, inspect & continue accordingly. You don't need a lot either !! On a dry applicator/pad apply a small amount of product & work into the surface to prime it, then 2-4 pea sized drops is all that's needed for working the section. Work in small sections & spread your product a little before going to work
Now....SSR3. This amazing product is a heavy duty cutting compound with mechanical abrasives. This means the physical size of the abrasive wont diminish & will continue to cut for as long as you work it !! It can be used by hand in small isolated areas such as scratches etc, but ideally needs to be used by machine for the full benifits to be reached.
Ssr3 will NOT finish down to a high gloss finish !! Its sole purpose is to remove defects, so factor in a refining step if you decide to go down this route.
Again always take the least agressive approach to get the job done.
The entire range have excellent lubrication properties & have a long working time with minimal dusting.....providing you dont over apply the product
All in all it's a great range that will always have a special place in my detailing arsenal
Hope you found this informative & I didn't bore you to death
Any questions.....fire away & feel free to add your own input
After all, sharing is caring.
Stay safe folks
Craig Whitehouse
i copied this from our FB forum