Correct order

I have a question with reagards to the correct order of products. I plan on using Black Hole followed by EX-P and NR. My question is can over time can I put EX-P over NR and then apply another layer of NR. I was not sure if the EX-P will have a bondong issue with being put on top of a wax. If this is a problem I will layer EX-P and follow with multiple coats of NR. How many coats of EX-P until it has dimishing returns? Thanks!


Staff member
No you can't put EX-P on top of the Natty's Red, it just won't bond. I would do 2-3 coats of EX-P ... two initially and then another 2-3 days later, and then top with as much Natty's Red as you like. For best results from the Natty's Red, do it at least 2-3 days apart.


Staff member
the two initial coats are one after another to ensure complete coverage ... coats are so thin that it's easy to miss a spot here or there and being that the EX-P is also so light in color, it's best to do two initial coats. :wink: