are we talking about the same product? Natty's Blue has an awesome Bubblegum scent ... one of the top three IMO ... now we have been thinking of changing the Original Natty's which has a light coconut scent to something more exciting. :smt017
Lol....Change the original to meat and potatoes. :smt110
are we talking about the same product? Natty's Blue has an awesome Bubblegum scent ... one of the top three IMO ... now we have been thinking of changing the Original Natty's which has a light coconut scent to something more exciting. :![]()
Well New hype: "A stripper scent" takes dollar bills every time you open the jar.![]()
The trouble with all poorboys scents is that they smell TOO GOOD :shock: What i mean is im always feeling hungry after using them :-o Nattys blue & red always makes me want to steal my kids candy, while black hole reminds me of grape cool aid ( really wish i could get cool aid in the UK ) ! Before i started using Poorboys products i was a trim 180llb, but now im around 235 !!! Yep i think it's all down to the scents you guys put in them lol :smt110 Thank god you havent thought about a burrito scent :smt040