Poorboy's Detailing Weekend 2010


Staff member
Poorboy’s World is proud to announce our Detailing Weekend July 10 & 11.
Event to be held at our warehouse , 210 West Nyack Road, West Nyack, NY
Vehicle space will be limited, so please sign up on this thread so we can get an actual count. We would like to keep it limited to on-line people, from any site.
Please feel free to post this on any other boards / forums you frequent.
One of our goals is to put faces to the names we talk to on-line. We use the weekend format so there is time for personal interaction and instruction. Many people want to share how to use the products and machines to their fullest extent. Individuals and families are welcome!!

Previous years we had always had no cost associated with our Detailing Weekend, but due to the amount of people who said they were coming and did not even call or e-mail to say they were not coming, and the fact that Pockets and I ate hamburgers and hot dogs for weeks after the last event, we will have to implement a $20 space and food fee to be paid in advance by paypal (poorboysworld@att.net) or credit card.
Your $20 fee will include:
1) a reserved parking spot
2) lunch for either or both days
3) Ice cold bottled drinking water all day
4) The full line of Poorboy’s World branded products, except microfiber towels, pads etc...
5) Water source, hose, buckets, and mitts for washing vehicles.
Sorry, no brushes will be provided.
6) A few pop-up tents will be available by lottery style ..not first come first serve ..we encourage you to bring your own tent

Checklist for Attendees
For those of you planning to attend PB Detailing Day this weekend, here is a quick checklist of items that will be provided on-site as well those items you are expected to bring yourself.

-Your responsibilities:
- Upon arrival, Sign in at the registration table and receive a name tag.
-park where indicated in assigned spots
- If possible, arrive with a freshly or recently washed vehicle. While washing implements will be available on site, time would be better spend on other aspects of detailing.
- Provide your own PC, Flex and/or rotary buffer along with all necessary accessories such as electrical extension cords, pads, bonnets, wrenches, and connectors.
*A limited amount of machines will be available for sale.
Provide your own applicator pads and microfiber towels.
* Pads and towels will be available for sale
- If desired, bring your own lawn chairs and sunscreen.
- At the end of the day, please clean up after yourselves.

While many of you may delight in comparing detailing products from various manufacturers, please keep in mind that this weekend is being sponsored by Poorboy's World. This is an opportunity for everyone to try Poorboy's World products and get personal hands-on help with our detailing questions. So, it would be considered good manners to stay on topic by focusing our attention on Poorboy's World products for the duration of this event

FAQ Is the goal to Detail Each and Every car exterior?

After meeting and greeting, everyone will be detailing their own car. Some people will be here just for helping others...it's a great opportunity to watch other people and how they get their results. I will walking around and will try to help and demonstrate for anyone and everyone who would like to see a product that they have not tried or are not getting all they want out of their finish.
I'd like to see everyone leaving at the end of the weekend with a shiny car, so we can take pictures and then share with the rest of the on-line communities.

Since we are located next to a body shop, there will be plenty of spare hoods and fenders to practice and demonstrate rotary skills. If this is of interest to you, please make a note of it, so we can gather the parts in advance.

There will be more information as we progress and all suggestions pertaining to the event are welcome

We also need to know if you will be requiring a hotel/ motel room , so we can try and work out a deal with a local and convenient place.


Staff member
We are about 10 days away from our Detailing Weekend. There are a few spaces open for each day.
We will be proud to announce a brand new product at the event and everyone will be getting a sample of the product too. :mrgreen:


Staff member
mad992 said:
davekt said:
Man I wish you guys could do a weekend in Australia


cmon steve you know u want 2 :)

lol . one week to go :mrgreen:

I would love to if you could figure how to get me there in about 3 hours ...maybe the space shuttle? I can't even imagine being in a plane for 10+ hours :shock: :shock:


Advanced Helper
Poorboy said:
mad992 said:
davekt said:
Man I wish you guys could do a weekend in Australia


cmon steve you know u want 2 :)

lol . one week to go :mrgreen:

I would love to if you could figure how to get me there in about 3 hours ...maybe the space shuttle? I can't even imagine being in a plane for 10+ hours :shock: :shock:

I know it cant be done but had to ask anyway. :cry:
Hope the weekend was a sucsess :D


Staff member
It was a great event and everyone had a great time and ended with very shiny cars 8) I will get someone to post some pictures :mrgreen:


Da King


