Easy to apply: wipe on - let it haze - buff off
3 Coats applied consecutively about a month and a half ago to my polished uncoated Boss 301's.
About 2 weeks after I applied the coats it rained here for about 2 -3 weeks and I hadn't washed my truck until now.
Protection, clean up, appearance -
Sorry forgot to take any before pics but I've been driving in the rain for the last 3 wks so they were covered with 3 weeks of dirt, road grime, brake dust.
Washed with car soap - Cleaned up very easy with just the soap.
After washing I sprayed some Spray and Wipe and did a quick wipe down with a MF. I only noticed a few small spots of discoloration everything else was still very shiny and no oxidization present.
Minimal if any loss of slickness - very close to the slickness of when it was applied.
Very easy to use and over a month of protection was more then I expected. It has proven itself in the cold and rain so I'll be interested to see how it holds up to the heat in the summer months.
IMO This is a great product for anyone who has polished uncoated wheels to help protect them and keep them looking their best.
I'll update this in the summer months and see how it holds up to the heat.
Here are some shots...
Close up after cleaning:
Whole wheel:
Full shot:
2 Month update
It's been 2 months with just the initial 3 coats of Wheel Sealant and after cleaning them today I noticed some slight oxidization, spots and marring.
It's hard to get a shot of the oxidization because it's very slight but here is a before and after showing the marring and oxidization:
After applying Metal polish by hand with a MF:
2 months of protection in the winter rain and dirt, doing nothing more then washing them, is more then I could hope for...It's a great sealant for cleared or uncoated wheels.
Easy to apply: wipe on - let it haze - buff off
3 Coats applied consecutively about a month and a half ago to my polished uncoated Boss 301's.
About 2 weeks after I applied the coats it rained here for about 2 -3 weeks and I hadn't washed my truck until now.
Protection, clean up, appearance -
Sorry forgot to take any before pics but I've been driving in the rain for the last 3 wks so they were covered with 3 weeks of dirt, road grime, brake dust.
Washed with car soap - Cleaned up very easy with just the soap.
After washing I sprayed some Spray and Wipe and did a quick wipe down with a MF. I only noticed a few small spots of discoloration everything else was still very shiny and no oxidization present.
Minimal if any loss of slickness - very close to the slickness of when it was applied.
Very easy to use and over a month of protection was more then I expected. It has proven itself in the cold and rain so I'll be interested to see how it holds up to the heat in the summer months.
IMO This is a great product for anyone who has polished uncoated wheels to help protect them and keep them looking their best.
I'll update this in the summer months and see how it holds up to the heat.
Here are some shots...
Close up after cleaning:

Whole wheel:

Full shot:

2 Month update
It's been 2 months with just the initial 3 coats of Wheel Sealant and after cleaning them today I noticed some slight oxidization, spots and marring.
It's hard to get a shot of the oxidization because it's very slight but here is a before and after showing the marring and oxidization:

After applying Metal polish by hand with a MF:

2 months of protection in the winter rain and dirt, doing nothing more then washing them, is more then I could hope for...It's a great sealant for cleared or uncoated wheels.