Like an idiot I volunteered to clean up my brother-in-laws black pickup. I started on it yesterday. I had a problem with the 2.5 for some reason. I started off with a small bead around the pad. After finishing that section I used 4-5 blobs about the size of a pencil erasure. After approx 3 passes on one panel, the the pad started slinging small chunks of the polish. I also noticed the polish wasn't breaking down like it did a month ago. Infact it was leaving a thick trail at times. This was after running it on speed 5 for around 4 min. I always brush the pad before loading it after a couple passes of passes. I also noticed there were deposits being left on the paint once the slinging started. I switched pads 3 times and the problem showed up on each pad. I got the 2.5 a month ago with the pc. At that time, I used it on my black miata with no problems. The temp is about the same as a month ago so I don't think that is the prob. Sorry to be so windy but I need advice. Thanks.