Noob..Hello from Iowa



Tired of all the swirl marks amd bird poop etchings on my Jet Black M3, Atlanta Blue Z3 and Oxford Green 528i so I spoke to Brett at OCD and ordered a PC and a bunch of Poorboy's goodies! Can't wait for UPS to deliver my solution!

:D :smt041


Yeah!!! My package from Brett at OCD arrived today with LOTS of goodies....

PC kit with Edge Pad kit (includes micro towels amd backing kit), Poorboy's SSR 2.5, SSR 1.o and EXP...

Brett was out of one of the "basic" pads, so he UPGRADED ME TO THE EDGE 2000 PADS!!!


Now I just need to be find 6-8 hours of good weather free-time. CAn't wait. Already have my "before pictures". Hope to add some nice "after pix".

I have spent LOTS of time reading cool detailing sites and have a few questions for you experts:

I have swirls, scratches, bird poop etching on both vehicles.

1. The Edge 2000 pads stress to use 1,500 to 1,800 rpm and never to exceed 2,500. Is it still ok to use PC speed of 5 and 6? I assume that they are refering to rotary rpm speeds, not the random orbital speeds in the pc manual?

2. Here is my plan for my first run with my new goodies on my Jet Black M3 (and my Oxford Green 528):

a) Wash carefully with Meguir's Gold Class
b) Dry using "The Asorber"
c) Polish using Poorboy’s SSR 2.5 with green pad (Speed 5-6)
d) Polish using Poorboy’s SSR 1 with blue pad (Speed 5-6)
e) Seal using Poorboy’s EX-P with white pad (Speed 3)

Any concerns? Suggestions?

3. Do I need to tape off trim? I think I'll buy 303 later, but am anxious to get going with what I have now!

Thanks for everyone's help and advise!



Jazz, they are refereing to the orbital, no 5 should be fine for polishing, start off with 1/2 for spreding the polish with the PC.

You might want to add claybar to your list, just so you can get any remaining contaminants off the paint before you start to polish. A good wax on top of the sealant might be an idea too just as some added protection.


:smt023 Thanks for the advise tango. Had time to wash tonight and will start the rest in the morning!
