This is a very belated Veteran's Day greetings to the many veterans who have fought for this great country. Many have lived. Many have died in battle. Many have passed away since returning home. This special thanks is for all those who "defend others who are unable to defend themselves". And a VERY special thanks goes out to my dad. Sadly he passed away in 2007, but I think of him fondly every time I detail my car.
My dad served and fought in Korea from 1951-1953. I can't remember his exact army outfit, but it was attached to the 1st Cavalry for the duration of his service. He had to fight the mind numbing cold of Korean winters. And the brutal heat of summers. Then endless climbing and fighting for some gosh forsaken hill or mountain top. He had to fight THREE enemies: North Korea, China....and his own unit! Racism was rampant back then, and to many of the men of his unit, he was a "Jap". Never mind the facts that he had fought in and survived many battles, that he and his unit were awarded several unit citations and commendations for bravery in the face of the enemy. And he was also the recipient of a Purple Heart.
But to his credit, he was never angry or bitter about those days. He would tell me and my friends his many war stories. He would mention in passing about racism, but he never obsessed about it. He was just happy to have lived and was able to return home to friends and family.
As I was detailing my car today, it brought back fond and happy memories of the two of us detailing the family cars. We weren't experts, nor did we have the absolute best equipment, but we did the best we could with what we had. And what did we have and use? Washing the car using whatever sponge we could find, a single bucket system with dish soap and no grit guards, (no such thing back then), dried using cotton towels and waxed using Simoniz Paste Wax.
Since those formative years I've used waxes in it's many forms, but now I've returned to using a paste wax. Natty's Blue Paste to be exact. I could almost hear my dad explaining to me (patiently I might add) how to apply the wax, how and when to buff it off, and how often to use it. Those were simpler times of a bygone era, but every time I do a detail, for a few short hours, I am transported back to those simple and fun times.
I miss my dad terribly, my mom and sis as well, but I don't let their passing sadden or discourage me. I try every day to be the best person that I can possibly be, be it at home, at work, or elsewhere. My dad, mom and sis have left a legacy, and I want to try the best I can to continue that legacy.
Once again, a belated Veteran's Day greetings to all the soldiers and sailors who have fought for this nation.
Happy Detailing, everyone!

My dad served and fought in Korea from 1951-1953. I can't remember his exact army outfit, but it was attached to the 1st Cavalry for the duration of his service. He had to fight the mind numbing cold of Korean winters. And the brutal heat of summers. Then endless climbing and fighting for some gosh forsaken hill or mountain top. He had to fight THREE enemies: North Korea, China....and his own unit! Racism was rampant back then, and to many of the men of his unit, he was a "Jap". Never mind the facts that he had fought in and survived many battles, that he and his unit were awarded several unit citations and commendations for bravery in the face of the enemy. And he was also the recipient of a Purple Heart.
But to his credit, he was never angry or bitter about those days. He would tell me and my friends his many war stories. He would mention in passing about racism, but he never obsessed about it. He was just happy to have lived and was able to return home to friends and family.
As I was detailing my car today, it brought back fond and happy memories of the two of us detailing the family cars. We weren't experts, nor did we have the absolute best equipment, but we did the best we could with what we had. And what did we have and use? Washing the car using whatever sponge we could find, a single bucket system with dish soap and no grit guards, (no such thing back then), dried using cotton towels and waxed using Simoniz Paste Wax.
Since those formative years I've used waxes in it's many forms, but now I've returned to using a paste wax. Natty's Blue Paste to be exact. I could almost hear my dad explaining to me (patiently I might add) how to apply the wax, how and when to buff it off, and how often to use it. Those were simpler times of a bygone era, but every time I do a detail, for a few short hours, I am transported back to those simple and fun times.
I miss my dad terribly, my mom and sis as well, but I don't let their passing sadden or discourage me. I try every day to be the best person that I can possibly be, be it at home, at work, or elsewhere. My dad, mom and sis have left a legacy, and I want to try the best I can to continue that legacy.
Once again, a belated Veteran's Day greetings to all the soldiers and sailors who have fought for this nation.
Happy Detailing, everyone!