Can we mix SSR.2.5 with polish/carnuba?



First of all, I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself for my first post, but I'm Steve from S.W. Florida.

Since you don't have a Marine section on this forum, I did not know where to post my question.

My sons have a marine detail business and love your polish/carnuba for vessals that are regularly maintained.

Often some of these vessals need a little more than a chemical cleaner/wax, but not an aggresive compound.
So they mix 1 to 4 ratio of SSR2.5 and polish/carnuba.
Do you see a problem with that on gelcoat? They love the end results and so do the customers.

I was just wondering if ,chemically, there could be a problem?

I know this may seem an aggresive cleaner/wax in the clearcoat world, but it's not that aggresive in the marine gelcoat world.

Thanks Steve


Staff member
there should not be a chemical problem, but Gel Coats can absorb color and the SSR2.5 being a hardy purple might leave a tint behind.

I would suggest either Pro Polish 2 or Master Cut for those finishes needing a bit more cut. We service many marine detailers ;)