For the faded red you may be better off using Pro Polish.
I would recommend skipping the SSR3 until you are very comfortable with the products and techniques. It's aggressive.
SSR2.5 seems to be regarded as the most versatile of the line. Depending on the pad used you can go from restoration...
You could try buffing the Trim Restorer immediately after application to tone down the shine. You may find cotton terry towels better at this than MF towels.
Another option for clay lube was Spray and Wipe.
The differing dilutions of APC are due to differing amounts of grime and the surface it is used upon. A light cleaning on a fairly smooth non-porous surface wouldn't require as strong a solution as soaked in oil on carpet.
If you have a QD or...
Just a heads up for those that haven't seen this on the PBW site; Steve should have hand sanitizer ready by the 24th of April. Pre-orders are being taken now,
Steve said " Probably APC to Clean and Bold N Bright to protect .. but if they are in good shape, I'd just use soap and water or Spray and Wipe with cotton towels
btw if you use cotton towels you will need a lint roller to remove of course...
I wash mine out and use them with whatever product is appropriate the next time. I don't store them in a sealed container because they may mold from the moisture. If you are storing them in a dusty environment (garage) then I guess you could store them in the container after they were fully...