What products for a red car



Here is the thing, I currently own a white 2001 SVT Lightning and a torch red 2004 SVT Cobra mustang. I have some products for the white truck like SSR1, pro polish, EX-P, and the plain clear Nattys paste wax. The finsh on that is unbelievable after appling Poorboy to it. When I purchashed the red mustang I applied the same stuff I have and the finish just wasn't as good (both vehicles were applied by hand). Why? It doesn't feel as slick( my rag doesn't slide off car). Here is what I did by hand to the mustang. I first washed it, clayed it, then a coat of SSR1, then 2 coats of the EX-P; waited a day and applied 2 coats of the nattys. Did I apply them correctly? I have noticed there is some spiderwebbing in the paint. I plan on ordering the Porter cable real soon, what would you recommend for me to get the best shine there could ever be out of a red mustang. It is garage kept and never gets driven in the rain at all. What pads should I use with which products at what speed? If there is a different product I should use other than what I have please let me know. Thanks for the help, Chris

Scott P

Advanced Helper
With red, I'd go with something like Polish with Carnauba - Blue after the SSR1 and top it with Natty's Blue Paste Wax. That should look really nice. Another better idea is to grab some of the new, Limited Edition Natty Red. That has great slickness and a real nice look.