#poorboysworld Poorboy's World on Social Media


Operations Manager
Just wanted to let you guys know that we are revving up our social media participation this year and you are invited to participate too.

Poorboy's World on Facebook
Poorboy's World on Twitter
Poorboy's World on Instagram

In addition to sharing some of the fun that goes on behind the scenes at Poorboy's World, I am actively searching for cool auto detailing content to share with our fans all around the world.

This is a great opportunity for you to share your work with a larger audience. We are global company with distribution in 41 countries and fans all over the world. When you capture your details that feature Poorboy's World products in photos and in video, send them to me dwayne@poorboysworld.com and I will share them around the entire Poorboy's World on social media!

P.S. When you post Poorboy's World products on your own Facebook and Twitter accounts make sure to always use the #poorboysworld hashtag so we can find and share your posts too!