Hologram removal



Hi guys

I am new to this forum. I'm glad I found it.

A quick question if anyone can help. I have been using poorboys products for a while. Recently purchased a year old car in black. It is covered in holograms. I have tried hand polishing black hole after using the clay bar but had made no difference.

Anyone any ideas?

Thanks in advance.


Token Brute and Chief Bottle Washer
Staff member
Black hole is more of a glaze than a polish. If by holograms you mean the marring caused by improper buffing techniques, you will need to polish the marring out. Pro Polish (either version), SSR2 or even one of the Polish With XXX products can fix it, depending on the severity of the marring and your skill level. Also, marring is more likely with a rotary buffer. If you use a random orbital/dual action buffer you are *MUCH* less likely to have this malady.

Some people call the marring from improper washing techniques "holograms" but this is not the right term for this type of marring. If this is your issue, again, polishing is needed to remove the scratches, but sometimes they are more severe and sometimes they will take much longer to correct than "buffer trails."

Pictures and some more info on your level of experience and products/tools available may help.


Thanks for the reply

Skill level ummm. Ok with polish and wax etc by hand. I have a DA which I havnt used yet on the car. Photos could be hard as I'm on my phone.

I have ssr2, high glass polish, black hole, white diamond, natty wax clay. Using the poorboys microfibres, drying towel. Have the 2 pads for the DA green and blue finishing pad.

Had a black car before this one used these products by hand on it for 2 years and never had a problem. So I think once I get this marring away I should b sweet.